Clean Slate

By cleanslate


What it says on the tin, really!

Enforced day off with no.2 son - nursery school training day.

This morning we went to Wythenshawe Park and Farm (sneakily - so don't tell no.1 son!) We had a lovely play in the park and a really good mooch around the animals. No.2 son really liked the pigs but probably only because he knows the sign for pig and for food, which he could put to good use as the pigs were eating! He really was mesmerised :-)

The goat was good enough to half climb the fence to get himself into a good blipping position, so I couldn't refuse. I could have done better if I wasn't holding all 3 stones of the younger rascal on my left hip!

He's been really funny watching me download the photos though, he loves the pictures of himself and keeps returning to ask for more! Is vanity a trait to encourage??

A couple of backblips too here and here :-)

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