On Top of the Herald Again

Bellingham Mayor Dan Pike is running for re-election this year, and just like last year, he held a July 4th fund-raising party on top of the Herald Building. The band and the fireworks-watching was outside on the roof, but the food and drink were indoors a couple of floors below.

The weather was perfect (unlike last year), the band really rocked, the food was excellent, and the beer was from Boundary Bay -- it doesn't get any better than that. A lot of good people were there, but not all of them. Dan's been challenged by Kelli Linville, our local representative in the State House of Representatives until she lost her seat in 2010. Kelli did a great job and was Chair of the Ways and Means Committee -- blame the Tea Party for her defeat. I know several people who are finding it hard to choose who to vote for. They're both intelligent, open-minded, honest, hard-working, and see eye-to-eye on many issues. It's going to be an interesting election to follow. I wish we lived inside the city limits so that we could vote.

Did I mention that the fireworks were also very good?

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