Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Retreat Beaten

A tough, stressful day, and decided that it was a few months since I had visited the castle for some post work blipping.

Decided it was time I took the new baby Canon for a Blip outing to the castle, as the sky looked like it might yield some interesting shots.

And I needed to de-stress. What I needed was peace, quiet, and marvelous views down the carse.

Imagine my surprise when I was met by a Pipe Band tuning up, and a few dozen tourists, (possibly some fellow blippers too), waiting for something.

The something was a performance by the pipe band, who marched up to the castle wall, played for about half an hour, then marched off again.

Just what I needed to lift the spirits.

I was even getting into this photography thing, kneeling down to take some shots of a really cute little drummer girl, who positively beamed when I took a photo of her and winked at her.

Great stuff.

So I feel less beaten, and will gracefully retreat........

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