
I like to be organised, but sometimes life gets in the way.

His Lordship and I decided that it would be nice to go back to Shetland at the end of January for the Up Helly Aa celebrations there. I thought it would be no bother to book accommodation so far ahead. Wrong! At first it seemed everywhere was booked already.
Certainly the hotels, were, and even the Guest House we stayed in 3 weeks ago, has the Jarl's uncle and 12 of a family booked to stay there; so no room at these inns then.
I'm currently awaiting a call from another B&B, whose owner is out and will ring me when she comes in. Do I think she'll bother? No I don't------ oops, wrong again, she has phoned and we're booked! Forgot to ask if she has WiFi, big mistake.

Now I have to organise the travel arrangements; up by air and down by sea is the way I think.

This was a day I thought I could relax and perhaps read or knit or clean the house, but so far I've been sitting at the computer googling accommodation.
You see I am on my own as his Lordship who likes a foul weather challenge, has taken himself off alone on a 12 mile walk, starting and ending at Carlops.

The last time he did it with one of his "Last of the Summer Wine' pals they lost the path and found themselves wandering far away in the great heather moored beyond.
But his Lordship is a man of great determination and was damned if he would be beaten by this supposedly circular walk, so he's gone with his phone switched on, a map and compass in his rucksack.

He has just phoned to say he's reached a burial cairn shrouded in low cloud and limited visibility about the half way mark.
Frankly he seemed a bit spooked by the cloud and the burial cairn; he is a man who has been blessed with great sensitivity and imagination, which in eerie situations like that, could well tip him over the edge.

I am counting on his returning safely and sanely, and feel confident enough to buy in food for two for supper.

And so, I am sharing with you, the colourful threads of my day.

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