Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Red Lily

Busy day today so I have only just got around to posting my blip. I backed up all of my recent photographs today onto six DVDs; this took a while :>))

Then it was off to look after my grandchildren, Oliver had to have his tea before he went to play in a cricket match and also had to be taken to the cricket pitch.

Then it was home again and down the road to feed our next-door neighbour's dog; they are on holiday so we are looking after Bow. I am not that keen on dogs, but this one is a nice friendly well-behaved dog. There may be a blip of him some time soon. While at my neighbour's house I blipped some lilies and liked this one best.

Then I had three students to deal with who had pre-booked one-to-one telephone tutorials and now I shall go and cook my tea.

Tomorrow is another day; I hope it is not quite so busy.

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