Lali's World

By Lali

Lost property

'Have you seen my trainers anywhere?'
'Yes, they're hanging over there, on that tree! But, look at the state of them! Where the hell have you been?'
'Just hanging around.' :)

It's been raining all day in Edinburgh, a grey day spent indoors working. I suppose it's better to be working when the weather is crap!

I took a few pictures today in the rain. Not great ones but I couldn't decide which one to post. This has been the final decision, for no particular reason. Just pure randomness. I do actually have a photo album in my facebook page called "Lost property" where I have pictures of all sorts of random abandoned stuff I've been finding in the streets. You can click here if you want to have a look.

Nothing really to highlight today. My life is getting a bit boring. I'll be off for two days, then back to work at the weekend :( and then on holidays for 8 days!!!! I'm hoping to get a bit of a more exciting life on my holidays!

Thanks very much for your nice comments on my colour experiment! I hope you all had a great and less rainy day today! :)

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