A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

The Big Breakfast

This is the scene of the Classic Bike Guide's "Big Breakfast".

Basically, hundreds of bikers descend upon a truck stop in Whitchurch and take it over for much of the day - this happens every year, first sunday in April. This is the 3rd one I have been too, although I confess that I drove today as it was zero degrees and icy when I got up. Suffice it to say, my better half is made of sterner stuff and rode there on the Suzuki!

The picture kind of captures the scale of it, but outside of shot, all around are more bikes - classics, newbies, big 'uns, little 'uns, custom bikes and trikes.

Although we would have you believe we all go to have a good look at each other's bikes, what we really all go for is the cooked breakfast and steaming mug of tea at the truck stop cafe! Believe me - its worth the trip!

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