Time's Like These...

By Connor1990

Crazy Cats!

Anne's cats are always up to some mischief, Troy, pictured here, especially likes climbing his way onto your shoulders so as to have a good high perching spot. Unfortunately since I'm a wee bit allergic to cats, they make me really sneezy, and make my asthma act up, but I love those little guys.

We had loads of tidying to do today, as we're leaving the house that we are sitting tomorrow, and making our way back up to Dundee. We want to have it so clean for them coming back so it was a hectic day. I'll really miss the dogs Hollie and Jess, but hopefully we'll see them again when we come back down some time, we've grown really attached to them.

Saw our friend Alex today who managed to get us a lot of baby clothes from one of her friends, so by the time the baby comes we will have absolutely loads.

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