Quiet Blipper

By Islandcat

The Strait

A big holiday in the US and friends of ours are celebrating on Parker Island. P and I meanwhile are headed across the Strait of Georgia. It won't be a long crossing. About 5 hours likely. And it was a gorgeous sunny day. After several long sailing days I wasn't sorry just to sit and watch the magnificent scenery engulf us.

This one was taken from the Vancouver Island side of the Strait. Near Nanaimo. I actually think I would be more correct if I called it the Salish Sea, as it has been renamed. (unless someone can correct me.) Anyway, those are the Coast Mountains north of Vancouver in the distance. And the lumpy mountainous island just peeking in from the right hand side of the image was our destination: Bowen Island.

It is almost impossible to capture what it feels like mid-strait with mountains on all sides and the sparkling water holding the whole scene so I opted for this one.

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