Indoor Day

20months 16days

....but packed nontheless. Katie had a lie in today - she didnt get up til 6.45!! I was awake an hour previous, waiting for her of course.

We went to Montessori, and took Aiden, Harrison & mum with us. When we went to pick them up, their dog tried to join us too. I felt that was one creature too many perhaps! Katie had a great time at Monty's. She did all the messy stuff on offer - ages in the sand tray, a nice time painting, and lots of playdoh. She is exceptionally enthusiastic during the singing time. Today she was singing the words to baa baa black sheep, which she doesnt often do.

She fell asleep on the way home, and slept for quite a long time. I got her up in time to go collect Emma for the afternoon. Katie had her lunch and then Abi and Jack came round again. We'd got the children sorted ready to go to the park and it poured down again - just like when we tried yesterday! So the three children were playing chase, ball and every other energetic game they could come up with. In the lounge. In between eating us out of everything going!

During her bath, Katie had her first ever hair cut! I tidied up the unruly curls, to even them all up a bit - they still look curly and unruly, just the same length now!

In a rather gross but amusing "baby book moment", Katie today ate her own snot for the first time. She then spat it out in disgust.

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