
I like these toy cameras because they remind me of how taking pictures was when I was a kid
I like film andplastic because the crazy colours are like memories. They are blurry and scatched and random and beautiful and crazy.

I took a couple of films to my local lab- they don't scan there so I'd been walking into town but now I HAZ SCANNER so I dropped them off and they processed them for me in half an hour for £3. I was pretty happy about that, and I was pretty happy I'd taken my Vivitar ultra wide and slim to Bestival, which I have no recollection of doing. I'm uploading the pics on my lomo home but I will probably get them on flickr too.

I was happy with the scanner and happy that Julia came to visit and happy with my printer that printed this.

I was excited to find some film already in that kodak colorsnaps i bought!!

I was not happy to find big chunks coming out of my favourite rug :/
can't win them all I guess.

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