Everythinh is AWESOME!

By freestyle

Old Post

In the fantastic 90 degree weather I decide to ride my bike down the hill. Its 430 so i have an hour to get food then proceed to work. I head down my steep hill (at the speed of light) only to realize that the new bladder for my camel back was leaking, and it has soaked all of the cloths in my backpack. I could live with this, but to top it all off at that same moment I realize that I forgot my wallet at home and have no money to get food. Just a regular day in the life of Trevor except I'm on a bike and not in a car so the ride up the hill punishes my legs for my stupidity as opposed to my finances.

Everything did happen to turn out better once I got back home fixed my bladder got dry cloths, and found my wallet. Once I finally made it down the hill however it was 5:24 which meant that I had 6 minutes to bike from reserve and brooks to the Gallagher building. so I call to let my work know there is a strong possibility I will be late and I find out I can volunteer to not work today. I volunteered and Shawn and I took a break from life at the Old Post.

with every drink of corona it felt like I could hear the ocean splashing on the shore and birds chirping in the background... Ok maybe not, but it was delicious and made up for the crap start of this journey.

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