happily ever after...

By thir13en

hot bath for sore joints

this is the only pic i took yesterday..
me attempting to soothe my joint pain with a hot bath..

early morning, so i left the bathroom light off & just let the light from the small window fill the room...

went to work for a 3 hour shift lastnight, instead stayed for 6 hours... not too bad.. extra money you know? (not that it will litterally be extra, i'm still waayyy behind on bills)

oh! earlier today i got an email from my Scene(Scotiabank) account. [Scene is a card that you associate with your debit card to get points, it can be used for movies passes mostly, hence "scene"] I lost my card two years ago, and haven't thought of it since. The email i got today told me that my card was about to expire, and it told me that i have 6310 points... which is fucking crazy. its pretty much 1$ per point.. it may vary when you spend more, you might get more, as an incentive to spend in larger chunks? i dunno.. anyways.. 6000 points is fucking nuts.. thats enough for 6 free movies passes...

i was tinkering around the scene website, and it turns out that 6250 points is enough for a 50$ "bon appetit" gift card, it's valid at 5 different restaurants... 50$ gift card! amazing.. i'm pretty excited, i'm gonna treat dan & i to dinner sometime soon.

i also worked on some flash work today (the online program i'm doing to make up for the flash course that i failed during the last year of school.) and i learned how to do a shape tween.... which is pretty interesting... i'm sure it doesn't mean much to those of you reading... but i managed to change a star into a heart in a little cartoon video... which is pretty nifty to me


i'm about to head back to work here in about 10 mins..

tomorrow dan & i are headed back to oshawa, one of our teachers is having an art show in oshawa. & his parents are having a family get together the next day. so we'll be spending the night out that way & such...

gotta go get ready for work.

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