And I Mean It from The Bottom of My Heart.....
Today, I have 5 Pictures, and I was torn between them all.
I opted for the rain.
I contemplate the rain a lot, living as I do in Scotland.
My new office is a veritable smorgasborg of weather watching, and the occassional plane. I can watch sky across a horizon of probably 25 miles south, and northwards of 30 miles.
The Clyde Firth in directly in front of me, and if you keep going, you will bang in to Ireland, if you turn slightly north, you will head for Greenland, if you go west, you will hit New Jersey.
The weather rolls in off the Atlantic, and I can see clouds forming as the air rises above the land mass. The sky can be brilliant blue in one direction, and heavy with rain in the other direction. I try and remember back to my geography classes when we discussed Cumulus Nimbus, Strattus, et all, but I all I know is, BIG, WHITE, FLUFFY = No Vat Return Completed.
Today, I tipped the blinds slightly, and concentrated. I concentrated so hard, that I actually reconciled, and only had 3 cups of coffee. But I worked so hard that I'm actually tired now.
And I don't think Bed is too far away.
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