Take A Breath
There's been no time to stroll round the garden, with a cuppa in hand, just a quick dash out the lounge door to capture this beautiful flower enjoying the morning sun and sparkling with raindrops from the night.
I'm back from my time in Kaikoura and it was awesome!!! We had fantastic weather the whole time, cool with a little snow on the mountains while the sea was relatively calm and very refreshing. Back blips will be following shortly.
I've had Daughter E to the doctor today - she has tonsilitis. To make matters worse its her school ball tomorrow night and her dress is hanging in the closet waiting for her - its beautiful, I hope she is up to going......
Daughter A is here and there catching up with friends and enjoying her time with us. Its great to have her home, life is so very busy.
I will get back into the swing of things again but not tonight - hope all is well with everyone - Enjoy the weekend :)
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