Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Down on the beach

Edit: 138am and I have a few to share. Right bed! Gotta be up for school and swimming tomorrow.

Given I have exactly 415 shots of the boys today to process and this is the first I quickly saw that captured my eye, it's Blipped and comes with the subtitle, "So mum, you had your hair done, but your nails are truly appalling!". I was so touched the boys noticed on the hair front though and Reuben ran his fingers through it whilst Callum twiddled it as he does his own. (I'm making a big deal about my hair. Yes. If you've lived with frizz all your life til now, you would do to. Witness: me on the beach for hours with the boys this evening and still frizzless).

Utterly enjoyed our evening together on the sand, watching the sun set, Callum face plant in the sand, his gymnastics, the boys repeatedly dousing each other with sand and Callum often creeping up behind me to fill my dress with the stuff. There's a classic capture too of of Callum! But the rest will just have to wait til tomorrow night.

Please also see my Caity and her lifeguard shoot today. How gorgeously natural is Caity in front of the camera and what an absolute joy to capture them on their date.

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