Nell's World

By nell2803

Room 101

The Friday challenge - Room 101

When I heard what the Friday challenge was I decided to write down the things that annoyed me. Quite a long list.

We were going to Glasgow today to do a bit of shopping. Reckoned it would be an ideal opportunity to get some shots of the no.1 on my list - litter. It annoys me so much to see litter lying on the ground. WHY CAN'T PEOPLE JUST CARRY IT UNTIL THEY FIND A BIN OR PUT IT IN THEIR BAGS OR POCKETS? To my surprise there seemed to have been a massive clean up in the city centre. No litter to be found though there was a random shopping trolley in George's Square !!!! On our way home hubby wanted to stop in at the golf shop. To my delight horror, there was litter, lots of litter in the car park behind the shop. Got lots of funny looks from people wondering what I was doing taking photos of the litter lying around. Probably thought I was from the Cooncil.

Other contenders for room 101 :-
Phone calls trying to sell you kitchens, bathrooms, etc, etc,,,,,,
Roadworks, especially as no-one can ever be seen doing any work.
Ironing, self explanatory.
The number of breaks for adverts during a one hour TV show.
Queues of tourists buying one item in your local shop. (I know I've done this one too)
Bad manners........

Could go on and on. Might have to change my name to Victoria Meldrew!

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