Time out

Another very very good day here. Hot summer days in Sweden are pretty much as good as it gets. I got to enjoy lunch while Johanna (bless her) took the children off to play min-golf. I love them dearly but it sure is nice having a moment to myself.

Initially it was just me but I was soon joined by a furry friend and her owner, and then another close friend. Baking in the sun while sitting in a flower filled garden is just perfect for me.

Low point of the day was watching a large motorboat burn up after it stopped to fill up with petrol at the floating station. A passing ferry came to her assistance before the sea rescue boats arrived. The fire pretty much destroyed the boat but as far as I know everyone got off OK. It left us with a hollow feeling after watching the boat burn though.

Tomorrow is my 500th blip. I have an idea for it .. I hope the weather co-operates.

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