Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Flyyyy me to the mooonnnnn...

Or just to Spain,that will do.... but not on this creature........This thingy was about 10 inches long and went for me,honest..

Today I made muffins... mochachoca muffins.... very good even if I do say so myself and I do.Also I used the slow cooker as the waether warranted winter type food...so I did a curry ..... because thats what one does when it rains let me tell you......

Lucy went off to a party at her mate Jessicas and they made lip balm and bath bombs and Eve has gone to the Upper school disco all glamed up .... I am in my P.J's slobbing,which I have been gagging to do since 4pm........

ohh and before any bright spark who is not used to me,like my blip mates are.. OF COURSE I HAVE FIDDLED WITH THE COLOUR AND SATURATION.. this thing was really electric pink and wearing a tutu... irriots x
(note,there is always someone ready to point out the obvious,just in case we did not know ;) )

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