Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Just Restin'

She likes to climb up onto the sofa from the arm, using a toy that's on the floor below. She crawls onto the sofa head first, and today just stopped in this position for about 5 minutes.

We went out for lottery tickets tonight. Jeff jumped out while Elizabeth and I stayed in the car. She said "mummy?" because she gets daddy and mummy confused. I said "daddy's gone into the shop" and she said "daddy shop?" Clever girl! Couldn't get her to repeat it though.

Still doing well in the bed. We've had very few restless nights recently. And she's often sleeping in her own bed until 4am, 5.30am being the longest. But I do feel like sh'e very gradually growing out of coming through, which is great.

This morning when she came through, I was woken with "teddy" and handed teddy. Then "monkey" and handed monkey. Then she came into bed, went straight to sleep and forgot all about teddy and monkey. But it was very cute.

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