Snappy Happy :)

By TAH2011

In need of TLC...

Well with the prospect of a trip to the Olympic Park I had hoped to get some fab blips today but the weather wasn't great and it wasn't possible to tour any of the park without going on the official tour which is booked up for weeks! Still had a great time with some young people from schools from all parts of the country.

Got back late and with Mr H playing golf the dog still needed a walk so took the camera along.. we pass this thatchedcottage most days - Leah always used to call it Snow White's house when she was little and even then it looked like it needed someone to really give it some TLC. Now sadly it stands empty and waiting for someone to live in it and make it their home, but desperately needing a new thatched roof - it would be so pretty again. Perhaps somoeone will give Snow White's home a make over soon?

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