Year Three

By RobotChicken

Mississippi Delta

Went for a drive today, and we headed south of New Orleans into the Mississippi Delta.

Essentially, this is an area that can go hugely underwater, and you have to wonder how the people live and work here when they do get flooded.

Well they build their house 20 feet in the air. Literally.

The lowest houses were at 10 feet (there weren't many of them), but most were built on 20 foot stilts. Some houses had wonderfully ornate stairs leading up to them, some had multiple stair cases, many had their own outside lift, and some houses had the garden shed at the 10 foot mark underneath the house, whilst the house was at 20 foot.

Some of the houses were high value custom built properties, and some were single width manufactured homes. But nearly everyone was on a 20 foot stilt.

Absolutely amazing what you can find when you head off the main track.

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