My Aim is True



Accepting her award, Nichola said, 'I am thrilled that my book has been singled out for such an honour. I believe that venison is one of the most misunderstood meats of all; so much wrong information has been written about it. It has been my life's work to reveal venison in its true colours.

This book, or rather the award that it won has intrigued me for weeks. I had thought that who ever had decided that a venison cookery book was the Best Single Subject Book in the World, could possibly do with broadening their reading habits.

Turns out that the award is for Best Single Subject Cookery Book in the World.

That's cleared that up,then.

So. No matter how crappy work was today, at least I wasn't erecting a tent at Balado at 2pm today. In the thunder, lightening, pissing rain and hailstones.

Have an unusual dilemma. Someone is thanking me profusely for the great kindness and generosity that I have shown them. 'Cept it's not actually me that is responsible for this benevolent gesture....

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