Everyday Memoirs

By ShutterBug

Gothic Maniquins..

Today's my 200th Blip :)
yey! cheers! Happy Blipday to me :)


So gift me with one of your smiles, which starts slow and quiet. Sometimes it remains a slight upturn of your lips, like a crescent. Other times, you shine like the full glory of bright luna. Yes, bend your head of dark hair slightly to one side, and smile, my love, my blood, my heart of hearts.
Eternity is enough time to spend with you. Almost.
I give you everything.

I cringe to think of it;
Laughable imperfections
Surging into seas
Of hypocrises, of
Thing to do to reason,
The reason to do things
To show for show

And the long longing
For the convoluted volition of love
For she that drinks the seas
Sees, drinks, or seasons the surging shows,
And perfectly laughs.

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