
By traceyflowerpot

Oh I Am Clever...

I have had a really, really busy day today, all my own fault of course.

I have been on my Easter break from my Photography Course for three weeks, our assignment was to produce a card in the holiday, but with all the decorating, and gardening and just doing other bits and pieces on the net I didnt get around to doing one (thats my excuse and I am sticking to it, haha).

So today I decided to get on with it before I get sent to the naughty corner this evening, haha.

I used this photograph of View In The Mist for my card design, I have never done anything like this before and I found it quite challenging at times not that I dont like a challenge, but I must say I am quite pleased with the result.

The card has got beautiful straight lines (honestly) I think its suffering some kind of distortion problem as it was a very quick shot as you canas I have to have my tea before I go out.

I think I should learn a lesson from this, do as I tell the boys, do your homework
the night you get it....... Yer righttttttttt.

BTW...its six years today I stopped smoking, woo hoo, I am so proud of myself.

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