
Today I was transported back in time by at least 40years! yes folkd I am getting on. Today I went to the wonderful little preserved Victorian township of Auchendrain in Argyll and they were having a sheep shearing demonstration. I asked one of the shearers if I could get a shot and he said yes. Now I have to say that when I last held a pair of clippers in my grubby little mitt was over thrity years ago and on the island we always tied the sheep to shear them, we tied the two fore legs and one back leg. These guys were the real deal and did it without tying so I was to say the least aprehensive that either the sheep buggered off and left me sheepless of I would cut its throat. Merceyfully neither happened and you can't imagine how good it felt just to have a wee shot. I love the smell of lanolin from their wool and they can be very nice beasts when they want to be.
One of my friends who originally hails from California and who has a PHD and numerous degrees, has been all over the world still cites her greatest achievemnet as being employed by the local island sheep club to shear sheep! You have to be a damn good shearer and that year her and I were employed with the rest of the men and to date have been the only women sheares they ever had , and no its not because we butchered them before some of my more cheeky blippers will comment!
After the clipping I went over to see their tweed waulking process and wool dying and it was there I got the fire shot. This too was a well familiar sight to me as I lived in a thatched house until I was 5 and remember it very well. My grannies house had electricity due to the proximity of the island Rocket Range but we had no running water and went to the well to draw water, we milked all the cows by hand, bucket fed the calves and cut and tied the corn by hand all which I can proudly say I can still do to this day. Its a skill that in this country is dying out which is a shame as all these things though hard work were also great fun. The fire in the photo is a real peat fire and for anyone interested the museum sells bags of peat too.

A grand day indeed bringing back fond and happy memories

Have a good blip weekend all

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