Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


We've had a busy day. We went to the "tendring hundred Show" which is our local Agricultural show that is held once a year in the village we live in. We usually go every year, and this year master pink was very excited as his school had some work in the Education tent, so he wanted to see it. The fish aquarium is also on the list of highlights of the show for Master Pink, so we had to visit that too. Miss Pink seemed to enjoy it, and was happily chatting to the fishies as they swam past her. I of course enjoyed the cows, especially the calves and the big Jersey cow. We had to cut this years visit a bit short as we wanted to come home to go to my Godson's birthday party.

So the afternoon was spent celebrating my youngest Godson's 2nd birthday. It was a peppa Pig themed party with lots of cake and a chance to admire our neighbours new extension. The children had a lovely time, and came home exhausted from their busy day.

Tomorrow will be another busy one too....

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