My journey in Pictures

By Ella

Nottingham Station

I was not supposed to visit this station today.. I was supposed to get off the train at East Midlands Parkway... I was prepared to get off the train .. it stopped .. i got up and walked to the exit door.. tried to open the door .. even asked the guard to open the door to let me off but he refused ... the doors were locked and i was instructed to go to the next station and return on another train...
After travelling all day from visiting my father in hospital - it was the last straw..
At Nottingham they told me (when i went to complain) that the train had stopped for just 1 minute to let passengers off the train and that the doors lock automatically 30 seconds before the train leaves the station.. in real terms this meant I had less than 30 seconds to depart the train..
Is this possible??? NO!!
I confronted the guard when i eventually managed to get back to East Midlands Station and he blatently lied and said the train had been in the station for 2 minutes - he forgot it is all computerised now...

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