Mrs Gruffalo & Her Camera

By mrsgruffalo

A Day at Longleat

I've had a brilliant day- I took a few hundred photos, and it took a while to decide which one to blip today.

I've taken photos of giraffes, camels, monkeys destroying people's cars (including ours!), an elephant, lions, tigers and more... but I think the photo I'm sharing today was my favourite. We spent AGES feeding the deer, as it required quite a lot of patience to get them to use all the food we'd bought from the keeper... as we stopped further on, the car in front of us also stopped, and I watched the two little girls attempt (with considerably less patience than I had) to try and get the deer to eat from their hands. It was very cute, though I'm sad to report they ended up throwing their food on the floor as the deer just weren't paying them any attention!

Definitely a great day- much needed relaxation after the past few (slightly insane) weeks!

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