I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Another water crossing

We headed to Iona today. The weather was not great and blowing a gale but that has never stopped us.There seemed to be hoards and hoards of pensioners on the ferry, in uniform rainmacs and waterproof jackets. They decided to sing the skye boat song on the way back so whatever floats your boat!! They did catch some starnge glances from the kids which made it all the funnier. Imagine adults behaving like teenagers.
Iona is like a scene from a childs Katie Morag book and the trek up to the Abbey was wet and windy.
It appears, although we couldn't explore fully, to have beautiful beaches, although there is a sting in the tail to this island, they con the public they bring across with a tarrif of £5 a head for an adult and £3.50 for a child to enter the Abbey.
£17 for the four pf us to go into the Abbey.....away. As the eldest said its expensive to pray on this Island!!
No wonder it was left to the nation by the Hugh Fraser Foundation in 1979, he probably found it too expensive to maintain too!

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