Time's Like These...

By Connor1990

Trip over the Tay

Had a drama in my flat today as water was leaking through the floor down into the flat below, however since we had just got back I had no idea about it till I got a phone call. a plumber was sent out but we couldn't get into the flat as the door wouldn't open so after the locksmith came out, we eventually got in. Turns out the washing machine tube had burst so the kitchen floor was a bit wet, luckily it wasn't too bad.

Drove Lynn, and her boyfriend Kris over to his Auntie Lynn's today, and it was a beautiful day for the drive. We were able to stop for a bit while there, and have a drink, and see their two dogs, who were lovely. On the drive back I searched for a blip and this was the only decent picture I took.

Went out with our friend Ray to Temple Lane with a couple of others and had a couple cocktails which were very nice, while Anne stuck to the mock tails, went home afterwards for a nice sleep.

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