Captured in time

By capturedintime

Noah Unwell

Noah touched me first thing this morning, i remember thinking he felt hot but thought nothing of it. I returned to my desk after lunch to find a missed call from the school - I tried returning the call but couldn't get through. I phoned George who informed me that she also missed a call from the school whilst at the library. She finaly took a call just after checking in all the library books at the library; She was informed that Noah was ill (feeling dizzy and sick) and needed to be collected. Leaving the Library without any new books she collected Noah from school. He has a high temperature which is being kept under control with a drop of medicine.

It has been a very sad week; my Grandpa passed away on Thursday after being unwell for a couple of years - me and Tabi went to see my Grandma tonight to deliver cards her and Noah had made. Fond memories of my Grandpa will always live on - he had the most incredible sense of humor which was with him even throughout his sickness. He was a great man who will never be forgotten. I am very proud to think I have a lot in common with my Grandpa and he will be with me forever.

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