
By devon

Project Suggestion #1 - Dark Side Of The Fridge

Welcome to Project Suggestion. The first rule of Project Suggestion is don't talk about...haha, just kidding. The idea here is to hand over some or all of the art direction to another person, and see if the photo I produce matches their vision. If you have any ideas let me know, send them to me with the Name, Author, Concept, Style, and anything else you feel is applicable, and I'll shoot them somewhere down the line. Feel free to be as specific or vague as you want, and we'll see how my interpretation affects the final version! You can find my email address in my profile.

Name: Dark Side Of The Fridge
Author: Matty Dubs
Concept: The contents of my fridge
Style: Heavy contrast, black and white

Optional bonus: If you want to take it further, you can send me a more vague concept, and write a very detailed description for yourself. Then, once I've taken the photo, you can give me your detailed description and I'll post that as well.

Another Side

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