In Between Days

By jase

The Carleton

Knowing I had a photo for today, should I wish to use it, seemed to take all the pressure off taking another! So here is the Carleton Hotel. I used to go here quite often in my youth, but not so much these days. It hasn't changed a lot over the years. Maybe when the kids are older me and L will start going to the quiz night again.

The kids stayed at L's parents and we picked them up around lunchtime. I spent the afternoon trying to fix my mum's car which has a big overheating problem. I've found the problem but getting the part will take a while. For those mechanically minded it's the thermostat cover which has broken. It's been a bad computer day. I've had a hard drive fail and a virus to clean up. I'm trying not to think of the hard drive failure and what I might have lost. I have all my photos which is the main thing but think I've lost a few videos I stored on there from the recent holiday. I need to invest in a better storage solution (mirrored disks) before something similar happens. Oh well, there are more important things than a few files.

P.S. I once went to a bonfire here and on that very same night at a nightclub in town L gave me her phone number.

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