wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


It's been snowing up here today, nothing settling, but distinct snowflakes falling and falling and falling. Pippin's most certainly not at all sure about this winter weather. But he has learnt to bring in his own bit of bushy stick to play with, having apparently realised we'll just burn the ones he steals from the kindling stack... We do wonder if he has just a little bit of dog in him.

Because I'm busy studying for my supp exam, I've spent a large bit of brain power today working out what I would like to do next year. My dream plan is coming into focus, but it unfortunately relies on me coming into money to pay to study in England... We'll see.

Now Available!!! Journey to Norwich and arrival at UEA. On a cold a snowy day it seems unlikely our intrepid explorer will make it to uni in time. Will the coldest winter in 5000 years affect her journey? Find out this and more!!!

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