Lighter times

Many many thanks for all your comments yesterday try meant a lot to me.

I woke up feeling very good today. The boys are in playful moods and having a good time. We are sitting in the local bakery - scene of many of my pictures - meeting friends and hanging out. Viggo found a way to amuse himself with the left over Pago lids.

Also like this one of Viggo's stare and there's something about the color in this one (actually the whole series is there if you want to browse through them).

I edited the earlier picture .. replaced it with the one above which I love. Was experimenting with the B&W jpeg's from the camera. This one is without any cropping or further pp. Another one I particularly like (but then I like a lot of the ones of my boys) is this one of Noah staring at me, I don't remember what he wanted but he sure can be intense.

This one is best viewed large.

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