Tales From The Other Side

By otherside

Sydney Sunrise

I woke up ridiculously early the other morning and after half an hour of tossing and turning i decided to just get out of bed. I doned my gym gear and set of for the 4.5km walk to the gym. The time was 4:45am, as i got to the end of the harbour bridge i turned around and saw this. Stunning! I only had my busted iphone so this is what i had to take it with.

The gym was good and two classe and a half an hour of interval training later i left the gym at 8am.

My friend Dave was in town that night and we were meeting for drinks. I was so tired i went back to the gym at 5:30pm and had an hours sleep in one of their snooze pods then hit the pub with Dave.

All in all a great start and end to the day.

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