Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Dust in the Wind

As the mower passed over the dry ground, still not fully covered in grass, a lovely dust cloud played with the setting sun. It reminded me that we are but dust in the wind...not in a fatalistic way, but in a way that always drives me to clear out some of the things that are less important in my life and actively go after the things that I want to last when my time is done. To discard things that are a constant nagging distraction from the things that truly matter and that will contribute to the lives around me and leave my heart feeling satisfied and content. To remember that I was made from mere dust and the elements of clay are found in my flesh, but my spirit lives to glorify God who molded and formed me in my mother's womb. That, in itself, is absolutely amazing to me! Yet, our time is so very brief, and we have the privilege of investing in, and caring for, one another which leaves a mark that will last on humanity. We are so blessed to be given that privilege of making a difference, even if it is in the life of only one other person.

I'm still entertaining suggestions for what the fellow in yesterday's blip was thinking. It's not likely he was thinking, "all I am is dust in the wind", but on the other hand...maybe...

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