alive to look

By pennultimate

A tiny little robin who made it.....

Blip friends....I've been missing in action....but what action it was....COMPLETELY terrifying.....
I've back blipped a few days to give a slight picture.
I was home alone with the dogs....pitch black outside and minus 5....blackout for 4 days...140 p/h winds took down thousands of trees
The ones in my property BRUSHED the front of the house....I don't scare very easily,but was scared to death.....
I've never related to shock before,but do now....
My fantastic neighbours and friends I'm in awe of for their support....I could never thank them enough....
I've had a team here for 4 days and it's now clear....
Grateful and thankful doesn't come close......
And I'm on of the lucky ones....
Homes trashed and weeks of clean up...

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