
Well here's how it is to be upstaged by his Lordship.

We took the same photo of the anchor and bridge on different days, he with the reflections on the water and I with the clouds; he with his camera on automatic (has he no aspiration?) and I with mine on manual.

I get a paltry 81 views at the latest count on Blipfoto and he gets his photo centre page in The Scotsman newspaper today,

A fine how do you do indeed. His smirk is wondrous to behold, and I'm glowering.

Ok, I concede it was his original idea, but still, this Lady is a wee bit put out at the smirk.

And please don't suggest he joins Blipfoto: I just couldn't bear the competition that would ensue. Better that he confines himself to exhibiting his prowess in the Scottish press.

That's it, my day is ruined.

PS I'm really proud of him though: ( I have to say that because he will read this blog)

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