Who knew?

By InOtherNews

What in the world happened to you?

Well today I..... have been sat at this desk surrounded by an atmosphere that could be cut with a lump of plastercine.

Well I'll tell you briefly. I have been left laptopless (if thats a word) and in the course of that have had 10 years worth of my files erased: stories, poems, pictures, everything. Gone. Just like that. Every photo I've taken since 2002, every word I've written since I left fucking school. All gone at the push of a button. By someone else.

I'm in no mood really to get back 'into' things so to speak but I guess I shall have to eventually. My week off was spent penniless at home without a laptop. Brilliant. I just wish someone had made me eat dog shit sandwiches every day to really cap it off.

I will explain more over time but right now I'm going to concentrate on finding a new job. I'm still hanging on to this one but if I don't leave soon someone will be sent down for murder: problem is it'd probably be someone strangling me. As usual by the way I am innocent. I always am. It's every other MoFo.

I just also want to highlight someone on here who has managed to be an absolute rock the last ten days. I won't be so crass as to say exactly what she has done, but this truly amazing woman has managed to ensure that at least five minutes every hour I've had a smile, and long term she has facilitated the beginning of the next phase of my shaby excuse for an existence. Thank you Barbie.

I do have back blips but obviously no real scope to put them on. I can't even promise blips tomorrow etc either. However come Wednesday my brand new laptop arrives and then I shall be back on the scene. One hopes.

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