barefoot and carefree

Which is pretty much what you should be at four!

Meanwhile the ten year old does have a tiny bit of homework - finding some different English and New Zealand words for the same things (right up my street that is considering I still say - gumboots, togs, ice blocks, jandals, singlets, chips (for crisps!) and chilly bin!) Although he is not too concerned as he has his school trip tomorrow to the zoo which is far more thrilling than homework.

The thirteen year old though has a HUGE history project due in by Wednesday and is putting in the hours to finish but of course that means she really can't worry about anything else that might need doing in the house!

That leaves the grown-ups (oldies!) who are definitely not feeling carefree as they have a lot to do / sort / worry / fix / complete and certainly don't have a moment to walk barefoot in the grass!

Thank goodness we have a holiday looming where we plan to do exactly that though!!!

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