Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Purple Rain

I tried an arty shot featuring flowers but it didn't work out. My ambition o'erleaped my equipment. The shot needed a telephoto lens to do it justice.

So I decided to feature the flowers themselves, particularly as we had just had a brief shower. The purple petals and yellow stamens make for a striking contrast. The raindrops on the petals also add a little more interest.

Ordinarily, I would title the shot with the name of the flower. But there lies a tale. Within days of purchasing this plant a couple of years ago, we lost the tag with its name and planting instructions. Since then it has simply been known as the purple flower.

If anyone recognizes it, please let me know what it is called. It stands about 10 inches; the leaves are a pale green and pointed. I know it is not a lot to go on but a lot of people on blipfoto know an awful lot about plants and flowers. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this mystery will be solved today.

Now for grocery shopping. :-(

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