
By Tinks

Newcastle Races, Grand National Day!

We arrived at The Holiday Inn, where Jamie was greeted by my family!

We all had a lovely dinner in the restaurant, followed by pressents for Jamie's birthday. Despite spending a shed load of money on his celebrations I spent not a lot more than lots of time on his pressies! I put his pics from his flight in a phantom from 1990 in a special album, I fixed his ring which his Mum and Dad bought him for his 18th birthday (the band had snapped) and I did a THIS IS YOUR LIFE type stylee book, with photos from him being a tiny baby all the way through to now! It took me for ever to complete but was obviously well worth it.... he was very emotional, I didn't really expect it to have that effect but it obviously was a good thing!

If that wasn't enough... Jamie opened another golden ticket which told him we were all off to the races where I'd hired a box, lunch and afternoon tea!

My Mum, Dad, Father-in-Law, and Sister all went ahead to 'decorate' the box before we got there. We had got balloons and hellium, banners, old blown up photos on the wall, 40's confetti, party bags for the kids and £2 for each adult to place a bet for Jamie...of which he kept the winnings!

Here's baby Zoe holding a 'Life begins at 40' balloon!!

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