wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


Still windy as. Been going for more than a week now, with just a brief reprieve every now and then. We're caught between some smitten isobars that are very definitely not obeying the 30cm rule.*

There's been flooding at sea level, snow in the mountains, gale force winds oh the hill tops, torrential downpours, glorious sunshine. And all on the same day. But despite the winds up here we haven't had any serious damage, just a few small branches here and there. And a random backpack I found in the bushes next to our house, totally empty, almost new... I looked around for a body, then realised this isn't CSI and it was probably just an innocently windstolen backpack. It's now waiting for an owner to claim it, strapped to the carport in the most visible spot I could find.

I'm sure this photo would look better in brighter light, but I should really be doing last minute revision for tomorrow's exam, so maybe I'll give it another go sometime after that horror is over.

*For those of you who've never dealt with hormone-driven teenagers this is just one of many corny ways of setting that good ole camp rule 'boys and girls, keep it clean.'**

**Still bemused? Tough.

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