jez' pics

By snappinjez

Spot the difference...

Just look at these bad boys!
I do like my French Horns, which is just as well as I have to see, hear and push them onto my face almost everyday.
I don't normally have them both in the same place. The one on the left usually stays at work, and the other is my practice horn which stays at home.
I have just had the past 2 weeks away from them for my holiday, and although there's still another week before we start back at work, I'm having to get these monsters out for practice and to check they're still in good working order, or indeed any sort of order, before I go back.

The French Horn is in fact German, and shouldn't be confused with the English Horn (or Cor Anglais), which is actually French...!

Disclaimer: The above statement my well be erroneous and I'm happy to be corrected, but I think it's right. :)

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