
By Mememe

Birds on the Fat Ball feeder

It is Tina & Steve's 25th wedding anniversary today, happy anniversary to you both, can you make it the next 25 I wonder.

It has been a really tough time for me recently, my moods are swinging all over the place, I'm feeling used, abused and put upon by some people {not my family} and have gone to a fairly bad place. Today I had a visit from the {CMHT} Community Mental Health Team which has helped a little, but it did mean that I wasn't able to get to Devizes for the Mind group.

I have bought a book for DBT {Dialectical Behaviour Therapy} that my psychiatrist recommended and have started to read it, but it does mean that I have to put into practice what I read and learn, it won't work without me trying, DAM

Today's blip is very much a 'Cannot be hugely bothered', Sorry to anyone who takes the time to stop by, I will try harder, maybe tomorrow[/i]

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