Blipaholic Deb

By BlipaholicDeb

Where's the sun?

It was pretty much a beautiful. sunny day yesterday so with that in mind M and I made plans for an outing at Footscray meadows with my sister-in-law and her two boys J & L.

The sun did not make an appearance though but thankfully it wasn't too cold and we still had a fabulous time hunting for different birds, butterflies and other insects. We spotted a song thrush and a chaffinch, which none of us had seen before but unfortunately no decent photos. The butterflies were not really out today, probably due to the lack of sun! I did manage to get my first insect porn shot though of two bright oange bugs, I will have to google to find out what they are!

Wasn't quite warm enough for a paddle in the river so we have made plans to return next Tuesday with our nets!

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