Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Old Shakey never had to put up with this..

and I do not mean as in Stevens...... No Willy Shakespeare... honest to god,you cannot get decent actors these days,one whiff of the stage and Diva's they become.2a were so brilliant in The Tempest it's gone to their heads... this is some of the usual suspects as you know...can't blip the whole class you know the drill... blahh blahh.. ANYWAY...we were one of seven schools taking part on the open air stage down by the Brass rubbing centre which we all used to call the'rubbing centre' when we were teens... I never knew why of course.. MOVING SWIFTLY on....big up to Broad St school too as I think both they and our school Thomas Jolyffe were the best.
Another plus side is a the picnic....
well,you didn't think I'd miss out my foodie chat did you ;)

p.s Girls stood outside RSC building,they are in the bushes... it all went a bit sordid after the photo was taken involving the word bush and so strange manouvering so they were sent home ....

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