
20months 21days (will life slow down please?)

A nice but steady day. Emma arrived after breakfast to play for the morning (her family's moving house, she's not slowly taking residence here) although her and Katie then insisted on second breakfast. Leaving the house took quite a while today. Katie insisted she was not wearing a nappy. She wanted pants (but did end up in a nappy eventually when she refused to pee with people in the house!)

We headed out to tea and toast. The novelty of Kiki being home as definitely not run out yet. They were both thrilled to bits to see her. And all ate a third breakfast. Katie and emma both walked to and from tea and toast really impressively fast. They had a bit more of a play, and unsurprisingly were not at all interestied in lunch, after their many breakfasts.

We took emma home, got a few bits and Katie decided she dd now want some lunch. She fell asleep with it hanging out her mouth. I had a lovely time during her sleep, searching for fabrics for a new dress and dungarees that I'm going to make her (thanks to lovely patterns from the Pinks!) After her sleep, we went to post some parcels. This involves passing the greengrocers, and Katie begged for oranges. I rather like that its that she begs for, not sweeties or cakes from the bakery next door!

We went to the library after that and she immediately ran in and curled up on this big comfy chair. She then found a book with lots of dogs on the cover and sat counting, before deciding she wanted to find the Spot books that she knew were there. She had a bit of a play with Jean, one of our kind library ladies before we headed home following her request for sausages.

In other news, Katie has finally started saying thankyou rather than ta! Hooray!

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